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Bodhi of the Void - Ren
Welcome, traveler!

The path to Enlightenment begins here, where the Sages will take a day or two to ask questions and get to know you. This will help the region to understand who you are, what drives you, and what you can do. Sages and the Enlightened will ask questions freely as they come to mind, so keep checking back. To follow your Awakening Quest you'll be given a task - called your Bodhi. After its completion, you will ascend to the ranks of the Enlightened and be blessed with the power to know and to do in Karma what the unenlightened cannot.

Your Awakening Quest begins now.

To begin, tell us about why you have decided to embark on an Awakening Quest? Do you have any great plans for Karma or for your own future in the region? What's the dream?
Altino Asteorra
Zai Sage of Karma | Hasal-Pharaoh of Osiris

Be excellent to each other and party on, dudes. ☮
Hello! I have some questions~

1) Books, Videogames, or neither?
2) Favorite drink?
3) Earth, Air, Fire, or Water?
4) Circling back to #1 What is your favorite book/videogame?
Welcome to your path to Enlightenment Ren!!

What inspires you?
What is your greatest pet peeve?
What is a critique you have of Karma? something you admire about Karma?
You are also involved with Hartfelden, what have you learned from your work there?
Sha Sage

Former Prime Guru
Former Guru of The Ministry
Former Guru of The Chameleons

[Image: Signature.png]
1) Favorite Sith Lord?
2) Favorite Jedi?
3) Are Knights of Ren your knights?
4) Is it enough questions about Star Wars?
5) Just one more though - if Jedi are thesis and Sith their antithesis what would be the synthesis in this? Sharing the strengths of both groups and weaknesses of none? Or is it impossible?
6) If you had to lose one emotion permanently - what would you chose?
[Image: 885208ba3fa1e07f0285b1300c7f5fa8.png]
Prime Yogi
Former Guru of Diplomacy

  • Order of the Crane
I decided to embark because I felt that I've been in the region long enough and could contribute a bit in my own way. Honestly, I have no idea about the future or what I want to do, so I plan to just go along with the flow.
[Image: n8SdfB2.png]
1) Books, Videogames, or neither? 


2) Favorite drink? 

Between Milk and Sprite

3) Earth, Air, Fire, or Water? 

Hmm.. this is a hard one but Air

4) Circling back to #1 What is your favorite book/videogame? 

The Red Queen Trilogy
[Image: n8SdfB2.png]
What inspires you?

No idea but I guess it would be stories of hope.

What is your greatest pet peeve?

People who make baseless claims with nothing to back it up.

What is a critique you have of Karma? something you admire about Karma?

Aside from the existence of Res I don't really have any major critiques of Karma that I can think of at the moment. I really do enjoy how Karma has an almost complete lack of toxicity prevalent in many other NS regions.

You are also involved with Hartfelden, what have you learned from your work there?

I have learned that community interaction is key to keeping a region afloat and that it's no fun being one of the only ones still trying.
[Image: n8SdfB2.png]
1) Favorite Sith Lord?

Malgus all the way.

2) Favorite Jedi?

Can't get any better than Master of the High Ground Obiwan Kenobi.

3) Are Knights of Ren your knights?

Might as well be.

4) Is it enough questions about Star Wars?


5) Just one more though - if Jedi are thesis and Sith their antithesis what would be the synthesis in this? Sharing the strengths of both groups and weaknesses of none? Or is it impossible?

Synthesis in the force is impossible. The light side is the force, while the dark side is merely a corruption of the force. Aspects of the dark side could certainly be used by those who follow the light, but that would be like tainting water with lead.

6) If you had to lose one emotion permanently - what would you chose?

I would choose to lose my ability to feel sad, because well, who wants to feel sad?
[Image: n8SdfB2.png]
Your last two answers are interesting. Have some more questions related to them.

Are all things a duality like the force?
You say the force is only 'good' and to be sith is to corrupt it. I'm unfamiliar with the lore, is this true? Or are you more inclined, like me, to say that the force is a neutral source of power and the only difference is how it is used.
You also say you want to remove sadness. The opposite of sadness is happiness. Do you think you can be happy if you've never been sad?
Do all things need to exist in a duality, a yin-yang sort of situation, or can one thing exist separate from its counterpart.
Do things have to be defined in part by what they are not?
Sha Sage

Former Prime Guru
Former Guru of The Ministry
Former Guru of The Chameleons

[Image: Signature.png]
I would say things are a lot more muddled to be categorized into two. On what you said about how the force is used, I do agree that it is a neutral source of power. though different than the typical usage of neutrality between good and bad. I see it as the light side being the "neutral" side, whereas, like I said earlier, the dark side is a corruption and misusage of it.

I agree without sadness, I couldn't really feel happiness, but only if I never experienced sadness before, which in this case, I'm assuming all of a sudden one day I just can't feel sad anymore.

I think there is certainly is some sort of duality to everything, though subjective to each individual. Every "thing" has a counterpart, and that relation makes them connected in a way.

I think a major part of defining somethings, is looking at what it is not. While it isn't exactly necessary, it would in my mind certainly narrow down the definition to something more specific.
[Image: n8SdfB2.png]

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